The Literature Review of the Translation of China’s Online Novels
In the digital age, the prosperity of China’s online literature has accelerated the process of Chinese culture going global. China’s online novels are rich in traditional Chinese culture, including Yin and Yang and eight diagrams, and have popular expressions and dramatic plots with creative imaginations such as time-travel and rebirth. In this way, China’s online novels gather a large number of overseas fans. As a bridge for Chinese cultural export, translation is all the more necessary at this moment to strengthen the foundation and push China’s online literature onto the world stage. This paper starts with the overview of China’s online literature by discussing its definition, classification, and its international communication. Then, the paper makes a detailed analysis of the current situation of its translation studies from the perspectives of medio-translatology, eco-translatology and functional equivalence theory. The deficiencies of the previous studies are also pointed out to provide some reference for a more comprehensive and in-depth translation study of China’s online novels in the future.
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