Study on the Chinese Translation of Emily Dickinson’s Poems from the Perspective of Eco-translatology: Taking Zhou Jianxin’s Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (601-900) as an Example
Emily Dickinson is one of the pioneers of American modernist poetry, and 18 Chinese translations have been published so far, but some translations have problems such as language mistranslation, cultural misunderstanding, style deviation, etc. From the perspective of the textual transplant theory of Eco-translatology, this paper comprehensively interprets the translation strategy of Zhou Jianxin’s Chinese translation, Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (601-900), in three stages, namely, the source-text selection, the translated text ecological construction, and the translated text survival, before, during and after translation, respectively, trying to show the characteristics of the ecological existence of the translation, and points out that Zhou’s translation fully reflects the three stages of textual transplant, i.e, the “whole life” cycle, which is an excellent example of ecological translation. It is expected that this study will shed some light on eco-translation criticism of English-Chinese poetry translation.
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