Linguo-Cultural Basis and Strategies of Teaching English Phraseology to Language 2 Students at Higher Schools
The paper considers phraseology as a multifaceted linguo-cultural phenomenon which represents one of the most challenging tasks in teaching English as a second language (ESL) at higher schools. Phraseological units constitute expressive resources of the vocabulary with partly or fully transferred meaning reflecting conventional metaphorical cognition of the world that, if used with care, ornament and enrich the language. Numerous works have been devoted to the study of their semantic, cognitive, linguo-cultural and functional aspects in different languages. Much attention was paid to their interpretation in various socio-cultural contexts and genre types of discourse. However, all these papers are of scholarly nature while Language 2 (L2) teachers and learners experience the lack of summarizing works which would make both corresponding processes easier and more successful. The present paper offers a multilateral and comprehensive analysis of English phraseological units disclosing those linguistic and cultural peculiarities on the basis of which some strategies of their teaching to L2 students at higher schools have been worked out.
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