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Advances in Natural Science Vol 9, No 1 (2016): Advances in Natural Science Control System Design of Threshing Separator Based on ARM Abstract   PDF
Jinwu JU, Lanying WANG, Xingzhong XIONG, Xiang GAO
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 6, No 4 (2010): Cross-Cultural Communication Conversation Analysis as Discourse Approaches to Teaching EFL Speaking Abstract   PDF
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 7, No 4 (2011): Cross-Cultural Communication Conversation Analysis in Cross-Culture Team Communication Abstract   PDF   Indexed/Included/Archived
Huili WANG, Yi HU, Shuo CAO
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 4, No 1 (2008): Cross-Cultural Communication Conversational Moves in Talking about Body-image in all Female Interactions Abstract   PDF
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 21, No 2 (2020): Studies in Literature and Language Conversational Strategies in Ola Rotimi’s The gods Are Not to Blame Abstract   PDF
Olusegun O. Jegede, Olukemi B. Adesina
Canadian Social Science Vol 12, No 11 (2016): Canadian Social Science Convexity-Concavity Indicators and Automated Trading Strategies Based on Gradient Boosted Classification Trees Models Abstract   PDF
Canadian Social Science Vol 11, No 5 (2015): Canadian Social Science Cooperation Behavior Optimization of Chinese Regional Local Government Geared to the Needs of National Governance Modernization: Value Orientation and Path Arrangement Abstract   PDF
Lijuan SHEN, Yue CHEN
Canadian Social Science Vol 10, No 6 (2014): Canadian Social Science Cooperative Mechanism of Trust Between NGOs in China Context Abstract   PDF
Liang GAO, Binfeng XU, Wei SONG
International Business and Management Vol 11, No 2 (2015): International Business and Management Cooperative Relationship in Vietnam Export Supply Chain: Current Situation and Recommendations for Improving Export Performance Abstract   PDF
Nguyen Hoang, Duc Huu Bui
International Business and Management Vol 7, No 1 (2013): International Business and Management Coordinated Industrial Development of Changchun and Jilin in Chang-Ji-Tu Pilot Zone Abstract   PDF
Management Science and Engineering Vol 11, No 1 (2017): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Coordinating a Supply Chain Consisted of One Supplier and One Retailer When Demand Disruption Happens Abstract   PDF
Management Science and Engineering Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Management Science and Engineering Coordinating Dual-Channel Supply Chain Under Price Mechanism With Production Cost Disruption Abstract   PDF
Dongchuan XIE, Hong CHEN
Management Science and Engineering Vol 10, No 2 (2016): Management Science and Engineering Coordination Contracts for Competitive Two Echelon Supply Chain With Price-and-Promotional Effort Dependent Demand Abstract   PDF
Zhihong WU
Management Science and Engineering Vol 7, No 3 (2013): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Coordination of Decentralized Supply Chains: A Literature Review Abstract   PDF
Canadian Social Science Vol 15, No 6 (2019): Canadian Social Science Coordination of Legal Protection of Algorithms and Intellectual Property System Abstract   PDF
Lin CAI, Zihang WANG
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 12, No 5 (2016): Studies in Literature and Language Coping With Grim Dystopia: A Re-Reading of The Fire-Dwellers Abstract   PDF
Rose Thomas, Asha Susan Jacob
International Business and Management Vol 3, No 1 (2011): International Business and Management Copula-Based Dependence Analysis of U.S. Stock Index and Futures Time Series in Financial Crisis Abstract   PDF
Shanglei CHAI, Chonghui GUO
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 8, No 6 (2012): Cross-Cultural Communication Core Spirit and Function in Confucianism from the Perspective of Soft Power of Chinese Culture Abstract   PDF   Indexed/Included/Archived
Mingyan TANG
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 16, No 3 (2020): Cross-Cultural Communication Coronavirus Lockdown and Poverty in Nigeria: Implications forCrime Upsurge in Yenagoa Metropolis, Bayelsa State Abstract   PDF
Nikereuwem Stephen Ekpenyong, Chinedu Nelson Omere, Alfred Stephen Ekpenyong
Canadian Social Science Vol 3, No 2 (2007): Canadian Social Science Corporate Governance and M&A in the Banking Industry Abstract   PDF
Li-meng SONG
Canadian Social Science Vol 9, No 3 (2013): Canadian Social Science Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Developing Market: A Logic Analysis and Proposal Abstract   PDF   Indexed/Included/Archived
Xiaoyan WANG
International Business and Management Vol 7, No 1 (2013): International Business and Management Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Developing Market:A Logic Analysis and Proposal Abstract   PDF
WANG Xiaoyan
International Business and Management Vol 5, No 2 (2012): International Business and Management Corporate Governance in China: A Study of the Interdependent Model Abstract   PDF
Pingqing LIU, Junxi SHI, Weizheng LIU, Fengxia JIANG
Management Science and Engineering Vol 6, No 4 (2012): Management Science and Engineering Corporate Governance, Wealth Creation and Social Responsibility Accounting Abstract   PDF   INDEXED/INCLUDED/ARCHIVED
Sunday A. Effiong, Emmanuel I. Akpan, Peter A. Oti
Studies in Sociology of Science Vol 4, No 4 (2013): Studies in Sociology of Science Corporate Social Irresponsibility: The Bullying in Amazonian Women Workers of the Industrial Free Zone of Manaus-AM, Brazil Abstract   PDF
Diogo Gonzaga Torres Neto, Lindsay de Oliveira Mesquita Torres
2351 - 2375 of 9310 Items << < 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 > >>