The Conditions for Achieving the Private Copy of Protected Works in Jordanian Law
The narrow-mindedness towards the full authority of the writer and using sources without consent which is crime secured by the law; while not accepting the chief aspects has been an specific exclusion of cerebral workbooks according to Jordanian copyright protection law the authorities of Jordan restricted author began psychologically, taking advantages of others while applying this separation or to cling the terminology of this exemption. To become the advantageous of an exemption with own description regarding permissible official exemption which permits one from asking the permission of the author. Either one would be able to get a copy of his work or the description award officially would transform into forbidden restriction. The accomplishment of the personal description is connected to the recognition of the certified private version, which makes it mandatory for the copyist that the private copy of the protected work by the copyist must be kept one copy for his use and the process is done by him or others.
Key words: Private copy; Protected works; Copyrights; Jordanian legislations
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