Youths Participation on Development of Entrepreneurship Agricultural Fresh Produce Preservation Skill Training Module
Agriculture product preservation can prevent the dumping of waste of fresh produce and also can increase the agriculture entrepreneurship for country development. Most of youth have unemployment problems especially after completing their studies because lack of skills and experience. Through this skill training module, it helps youth to build another career that can help them in future which is involving in agriculture entrepreneurship. This study was developed skill training module to attract youth that want to venture into agriculture product preservation business. A total of 30 respondents in University Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus were joined the training where a developed questionnaire was used to gain the data at the end of the training. For analysis, the descriptive analysis was employed by using SPSS software. Based on the results, all of the respondents gave positive feedback towards this training and many of them interested to join this field of business to improve the quality of life in the future.
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