Language Learning and Language Acquisition: What Do the Learners Prefer ?
The aim of this study is to evaluate learning and acquisition strategies used by second language learners of Engineering College Students in Tamilnadu State. This study is a comparative investigation of learning and acquisition strategies of successful and less successful language learners. Why some learners become less successful in language learning while others become more successful is a common question in this area. Although there are many different reasons, one of them is related with “strategies” of the learners. The study presents an analysis of a research to capture second language learners’ learning strategies in terms of acquisition and learning. Two hundred and twenty undergraduate higher education students were participated in the study. They were grouped in two parts as “successful learners” and “less successful earners” learners. The learners’ levels were based on their scores on a standardized test administered at the beginning of their college. These findings have important implications for College Professors, School Teachers, instructors and program designers to develop and practice different language strategies in order to have more successful students. At the end of the study, some suggestions were submitted to foreign language learners and secondary language learners also.
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