Study on Zhuang People’s Cognitive Situation From the Perspective of Sawndip’s Semantic Component: Based on Animals and Plants Sawndip

Dan WANG, Xiancheng ZHANG


Semantic component of a character is relevant to the meaning of a word which is recorded by the character. It is an important research idea for the modern cognitive science. Study shows that in terms of animals and plants Sawndip, Zhuang people learn the semantic component of Chinese characters systematically, and they are very clear about the categorical meaning of the semantic component. Sawndip has been created on the basis of Chinese characters, at the same time it has been reflecting fully the creativity of Zhuang people in the course of being used. On the one hand, Zhuang people have added the relative semantic component to some borrowing Chinese characters which did not have one. This phenomenon has shown that Zhuang people extremely emphasize the generic feature of things in the practice of cognition. On the other hand, to record some Zhuang words of animals and plants, Sawndip have the semantic components to be different from Chinese characters. Comparing with Han, this situation has shown that Zhuang people have different perceptions of the categories and characteristics of those animals and plants. The Zhuang people’s creative use of semantic component of Sawndip, it is an effective interpretation of “the Zhuang Localisation”.


Sawndip (the square-shape characters of Zhuang); Semantic component; Cognition; Sawndip Sawdian (the dictionary of Zhuang’s ancient characters); Translation and annotation of photomechanical printing of Buluotuo, the Mo scriptures of the Zhuang

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