Women Individuality: A Critique of Patriarchal Society in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway
This paper examines the sense of women individuality as a critique of patriarch society in in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. As a matter of fact, Woolf is considered one of the most influential writers in English literature in the twentieth century and even before. Her writings reflect the modern literary realism in all its features. She writes in fictional modes that suggests departure from the previous literary fashion. In so doing, she provides experimental literary strategies which could be imitated by writers who follow her. Woolf tried her hands to write in new experimental forms to offer new insights into the literary modernism. At this point, she represents an outstanding figure in modernism. The aim if this study, therefore is to explore the realistic depiction of Woolf’s appropriation of women’s ordeals as an indictment of the contemporary patriarchal social attitudes awards women.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12024
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