Analysis of Learning Strategy on the Improvement of the Listening Comprehension Ability of Non-English Majors in Engineering Colleges from the Perspective of CSE: A Case Study of NCEPU
In today’s world of increasingly frequent global cooperation and communication, English has become an indispensable communication tool. In the process of communication, listening comprehension skills are especially important to have an oral output. For a long time, the public English courses in engineering colleges and universities don’t have enough listening course settings for non-English majors, which cannot meet the needs of non-English learners since they also have to obtain cutting-edge scientific information, such as from relevant scientific lectures. In 2018, China’s Standards of English Language Ability (CSE) was officially released, which provides a comprehensive, clear and detailed description of the characteristics of each listening comprehension level(Guo Xiaoting, 2018). In December 2019, the scale was officially docked with TOEFL scores, highlighting the scale’s role as an ability assessment standard for English learners (Qiu Chenhui, 2019). In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the English listening comprehension ability of non-English majors of North China Electric Power University, using CSE as the assessment standard. It tries to draw out existing questions and proposes relevant strategies for practical research, and then test these strategies’ effectiveness through Eviews software.
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