The Image of Bedouin Woman in European Travelogue Literature in 19th
This study aims to tackle the image of the Bedouin woman by extrapolating texts related to woman in the work of European Travelers, who visited Arabian Peninsula (Now Saudi Arabia) in 19th century. The study presents their vision of her appearance, characteristics, life habits, and domestic and tribal role performed by woman. It also tackles her role in her home, in raising, and caring for her children, and the work she does in her society, with an emphasis on her role politically and military. It is hypothesized that by her portrayal, the image of the society in the past and at present is revealed. The portrayal of woman exhibits not only the culture of the society, but It also detects the travelers’ mentality and cultural awareness. The research sheds light on some of the artistic phenomena that add a literary color to the travelers’ texts and accelerate the narration. Depending on descriptive analysis and a close reading of the European Travel texts in 19th century, the research paper refutes the tarnished image of the Oriental woman particularly Arab Muslim woman portrayed negatively by some European Travelers. On the contrary, Bedouin woman is introduced by the moderate European travelers as a sacred creature that enjoys a high status if not less than that experienced by the ancient Egyptian woman. She was not only a good advisor and leader, wise, religious, and courageous; she was also a good mother, wife, and sister; She does her level best to ameliorate her family standard of living and the welfare of her people
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