New Challenges of Anglicisation in the Context of 21st Century Globalization and Their Impact on Higher Education
The paper considers the phenomenon of anglicisation to be predetermined: a) by the multilateral influence of the USA on many countries; b) by the obvious need of unification and standardization of terminological and other layers of lexis referring to various aspects of human activities, and c) by the prestigious role of English as a lingua franca in international cooperation among countries. Attitudes differ towards the process of anglicisation. While some appreciate its political, economic and cultural advantages, others warn against a global, dominating language that might absorb minor cultures. The process of anglicisation has its impact on higher education. One of the challenges faced by universities is to prepare students for effective intercultural communication in order to succeed in a global work environment. Therefore, the purpose of the present work is, first, to analyse the debates concerning the present and future perspectives of the process of anglicisation; second, to overview critically the research related to the integrated teaching of language and culture promoting three-dimensional linguo-cultural methodology of such teaching which facilitates to raise L2 students’ critical cultural awareness, and enables them to develop the essential communicative skills that are necessary for successful international collaboration.
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