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Journal Issue Title
Canadian Social Science Vol 6, No 5 (2010): Canadian Social Science Dynamic Impact Mechanism of Birth Rate and GDP in Liaoning Province Abstract   PDF
Fei-xue HUANG, Jing-qin SU, Cheng LI
International Business and Management Vol 1, No 1 (2010): International Business and Management Dynamic Macroeconomic Convergence in the West Africa Monetary Zone (WAMZ) Abstract   PDF
Anokye M. Adam, Daniel Agyapong, Emmanuel Numapau Gyamfi
Management Science and Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2014): Management Science and Engineering Dynamic Stochastic Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method Based on Prospect Theory and Conjoint Analysis Abstract   PDF
Junhua HU, Peng CHEN, Liu YANG
Studies in Sociology of Science Vol 7, No 6 (2017): Studies in Sociology of Science Dynamics of Nuclear Going Theories: Problems and Prospect Abstract   PDF
Rajkumar Singh
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 2, No 3 (2011): Studies in Literature and Language Dynamics of Power Relationship, English vs African Languages: A Cross Current of a Sort Abstract   PDF   indexed/included/archived
Godwin C. S. Iwuchukwu
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 12, No 11 (2016): Cross-Cultural Communication Dynamique des Representations Sociales Du Metier Chez les Enseignants- Chercheurs de L’Universite Felix Houphouët-Boigny Abstract   PDF
Kei Mathias
Canadian Social Science Vol 11, No 6 (2015): Canadian Social Science Dynastic, Social, Psychological and Psychiatric Aspects of the Bavarian Royal Drama of 1886 Abstract   PDF
Heinz Häfner
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 12, No 7 (2016): Cross-Cultural Communication Dysfunctional Family in A Lie of the Mind Abstract   PDF
Jing LI, Shanshan XIONG
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication Взаимодействие Франции и России в Области Иммиграционной Политики на Рубеже 20-21 Веков Abstract   PDF
О.А. Смирнова
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication К Вопросу о Деятельности Современных Организаций – Продолжателей Дела Черносотенцев Начала Хх Века Abstract   PDF
A.A. Fomenkov
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication М.А. Славинский и Его Политический Проект «Империи Народов» (1906-1917 гг.) Abstract   PDF
С.Г. Иваницкая
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 9, No 2 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Методическая организация иероглифического минимума при обучении студентов языкового вуза письму на китайском языке Abstract   PDF
Xinyue ZHANG, Ю. В. Молоткова
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication От Великой революции до Большого террора —Судьба бывших нижегородских левых эсеров и анархистов в послереволюционный период Abstract   PDF
В. П. Сапон
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication Проблема защиты мирного населения в ходе войны: доктрина Гуго Гроция Abstract   PDF
С. Ю. Волков
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication РОЛЬ ИНОСТРАННОГО КАПИТАЛА В ЭКОНОМИКЕ СТРАНЫ Abstract   PDF
С. Л. Еремина, Т. В. Калашникова
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication Российский федерализм как стратегия полицентрического общественного устройства Abstract   PDF
О. М. Орлинская
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication Тенденции развития отношений федерального центра и регионов в рамках процесса построения вертикали власти на современном этапе (на примере Республики Татарстан) Abstract   PDF
Н. Н. Судакова
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication ЭТНИЧНОСТЬ КАК ФАКТОР ФУНКЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИИ Abstract   PDF
А. П. Шмелев, О. Ю. Шмелёва
Cross-Cultural Communication Vol 5, No 3 (2009): Cross-cultural Communication пять десятилетий экономического взаимодействия. Статистико-аналитический обзор Abstract   PDF
Морозов Борис Николаевич, Мясников Павел Александрович
Management Science and Engineering Vol 6, No 3 (2012): MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Early-Warning and Risk Prevention of Sovereign Credit Rating Downgrades -- Empirical Test from 35 Country Panel Data Abstract   PDF   INDEXED/INCLUDED/ARCHIVED
Yixiang Tian, Chenggang Li, Liucun Lu
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 17, No 1 (2018): Studies in Literature and Language Earnest Hemingway: Truth & Fiction Abstract   PDF
Salim E. A. Al-Ibia
Management Science and Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2014): Management Science and Engineering E-Assessments Systems: A Comparison of the Views of Samples of Students and Professors Abstract   PDF
Salwa Alsamarai, Amaal Amawi, Mohammad Ali H. Eljinini
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 19, No 2 (2019): Studies in Literature and Language E-C Translation of Hollywood Film Titles Abstract   PDF
Yu LEI, Yushan ZHAO
Higher Education of Social Science Vol 26, No 2 (2024): Higher Education of Social Science Echoes of the Blues: A Study of the Aesthetic Thoughts of the Black Arts Movement Abstract   PDF
Yunli ZHAO
Studies in Literature and Language Vol 10, No 3 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Eco-Feminism in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Abstract   PDF
Chunyan HU
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