The Duality of Magic and Memory as the Structure of Narrative Repetition in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
This paper examines the repetitive narrative structure in Toni Morrison’s Beloved (1987). Morrison writings focus on colonial issues and its relative issues. She deals with the colonial subjects that influence the world since the beginning of colonialism up to the present day. In her fiction, she depicts many thematic issues that have a universal appeal. One of these issues is color. This is issue is of paramount importance since it relates to the treatment of black people in different ways. Before the mid-twentieth century, color was a great subject to the public opinion in all over the world. The black people were deprived of their human dignity. They are treated in a lower position that affects their identity and human dignity. There were no serious steps to be taken in order to limit the treatment of black people in inferior positions. So, color was interrogated many times during the first part of the twentieth century because the colonial and imperial plans were spreading all over the world. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore Morrison’s repetitive narrative structure as a magical site of memory in Beloved (1987).
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