Happiness View in Ecological Civilization Age

Zaijuan ZHOU, Rui Yang, Daojin SUN


With the advent of ecological civilization age, we are left with no choice but to redefine the values and principles of happiness that underlie our relationship with the nature. Over the course of history, we can easily find that there have been great changes in our lifestyles and the concept of happiness, and we have made tremendous progress in economic growth and material wealth. These changes have improved the quality of people’s life for some, but have decreased it for others. We also have lifestyles which have detrimentally affected our surrounding natural environment. With the development of global industrialization, today, ecological crisis has become a global crisis that made people woke up from industrial civilization age sense of achievement, calling upon the arrival of the ecological civilization age. The concept of happiness is people's outlook on life and world view to the problem of happiness, view on happiness is for guidance and motivation. Happiness is the unity of subjective and objective, the unity of logic and history. The concept of ecological happiness is a new idea of evolution of Chinese and western philosophical views on happiness and it are a reflection of the characteristics of our times. Ecological civilization age decided to people's view on happiness is ecological happiness view. First, ecological happiness is a kind of real happiness which is based on the scientific outlook on development and kind of human groups shared happiness. Second, Ecological happiness is a kind of happiness which based on human overall survival benefit and ecological rational belief. Finally, ecological happiness is a kind of happiness which reflects the intergenerational justice of human long-term sustainable happiness.


Ecological civilization age; Ecological happiness view; Turn

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720130906.3003


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