Temporal & Spatial Variation and Benefit Analysis of Farmers Fertilizer at Tarim River Basin

Lu YAN, HuiLan MA, Yang SU


Along with the continuous development of the fertilizer industry, it provides a large extent of impetus to cultivation. This paper analyzes based on the temporal & spatial variation and planting efficiency of farmers fertilizer at Tarim River Basin, it finds that farmers fertilizer provides a large extent of impetus to cultivation. Therefore, using cointegration method to analyze influence of planting efficiency with farmers fertilizer at Tarim River Basin, the model results show that farmers fertilization amount with planting efficiency at Tarim River Basin and prefectures exists a positive correlation, and the influence of the order is same as the fertilization amount with planting efficiency growth. On this basis, it proposes suggestions on farmers reasonable fertilization.

Key words: Tarim River Basin; Fertilization; Plant production value


Tarim River Basin, fertilization, Plant production value


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/j.css.1923669720120805.7463


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