Acceptance of Information System Modules in Logistics Program: Perceptions From Logistics and Supply Chain Undergraduate Students
In most universities, Information System module is embedded into the curriculum for undergraduate logistics and supply chain students. This study applies perceived users towards technology based on the Information System Success Model and intention to use the technology based on the Technology Acceptance Model. Dimensions in these two models are used to study how Information System module influences undergraduate logistics and supply chain student desire to learn it. Data was gathered through questionnaires from 181 logistics and supply chain undergraduate students from a private university. Respondents provided answers by perceiving the user satisfaction, system quality and information quality towards intention to study Information System module. Results indicated that system quality and user satisfaction are positively associated with students’ intention to study. The standardized coefficients for system quality was higher (β = .28) compared to user satisfaction (β = .19) toward intention to use at .05 level. The study implies that improve system quality and user satisfaction in SPA 8i to attract students for learning the module.
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