Architectural Education in the Arab World and Its Role in Facing the Contemporary Local and Regional Challenges
This research discusses the academic architectural education and its role in facing the challenges caused by the Arab revolutions that commenced in 2011, also known as “The Arab Spring”. It begins with a review of the most important issues of the present Arab world and continues by demonstrating the role of architecture in developing society and improving the quality of life. It also explores the appropriate architecture for the current phase, which must be design-based with a humanitarian-social dimension and respect to both “sustainability” and “participation”. Subsequently, the need to review the academic architectural education is addressed so that it convoys the current developments of society and becomes able to shape and create architects qualified in the field of the desired architecture. This may be done by introducing new resolutions related to social architecture, launching the Design/Build studio alongside traditional architecture studios, and indulging students in the field of participatory design. In addition, architectural research of students and their graduation projects should be directed to address the local issues, aiming to serve society and promote its development. Finally, recommendations to universities and higher education institutes are raised so that they can act their intended role in the development and improvement of their societies.
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