How Macao Plays the Role of “Precise Liaison” in Building a New Platform for the GBA under B&R Initiative

Yanfei ZHU, Jiejia XIAO, Mei HAN, Bin HUANG, Xun YAN, Qianqian Laura Luo


As a major national strategy and an important gateway for the BRI initiative, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area (GBA) is expected to become a world-class economic platform and a new engine for economic cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta. Macao, one of the 9+2 cities in the GBA, has led the development of China’s southeast coastal cities since the reform and opening up in 1978 and witnessed the growth of the GBA. t is bestowed with basic knowledge of the region, as well as historical and practical advantages, and therefore can play a key role in the construction of the GBA. Macao should ake its role, seize the opportunity, exploit its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. Besides, it is supposed to leverage its geographical advantages to become an irreplaceable hub for the exchanges between the GBA and the ASEAN and Portuguese-speaking countries. By taking advantage of its Portuguese heritage, Macao aims to build a training base for bilingual talents n Chinese and Portuguese. Precisely speaking, based on training centers for Chinese and Portuguese senior talents in business law, Macao is to establish business law consulting service centers, notary offices, and arbitration centers, benefiting from its systematic and legal advantages. These agents form an industrial chain featuring business law training, which will meet the need for legal services in business and trade in the GBA and related countries. Macao should implement the Precision Contact action guiding, give full play to the advantage of Precision Contact, act as qualified Precision Contact, and complete the mission of Precision Contact. Macao is to conform to the new traits of “one country, two systems,” uphold the BRI initiative and the construction of the GBA, boost the mounting effects of China-Portugal Platform, the BRI, and the GBA, making itself a special brand of China.


The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area (the GBA); China-Portuguese platform; Sino-Portuguese platform; Chinese & Portuguese bilingual; “One country, Two systems”; BRI; B&R

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