Principal Transformational Leadership Behaviour and Secondary School Effectiveness in Kwara State, Nigeria
The effectiveness of secondary schools in Kwara state has been a source of concern to stakeholders which may not be unconnected to the leadership style of the principals. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between principal transformational leadership behaviour and secondary school effectiveness in Kwara State, Nigeria. Two research questions and four operational hypotheses were set to guide the study. Descriptive research design was adopted to carry out the study. The population for this study comprised all the 7,585 teachers in the 427 senior secondary schools in the 16 Local Government Areas of Kwara State. The stratified random sampling technique was used to group the teachers into the three senatorial districts in Kwara state. Proportional sampling technique (with the aid of Kreijcie and Morgan (1971) sample determination table) was used to select 191 teachers out of 3,952 from Kwara central, 55 teachers out of 1,127 from Kwara North and 121 teaches out of 2506 from Kwara south. The total sample of the study is therefore 367. A researcher-designed questionnaire titled “Principal Transformational Leadership Behaviour Questionnaire (PTLBQ)” was used to collect data on principal transformational leadership behaviour and a pro forma was used to collect the students’ academic performance for five years as a measure of school effectiveness. Percentage was to answer the research questions while Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistic was used to test the hypotheses formulated The study revealed that there is significant relationship between principal transformational leadership behaviour and secondary school effectiveness in Kwara State, was recommended that Government should endeavour to support principals with needed resources so as to aid their creativity and the adoption of best transactional leadership qualities. The principals should work towards improving on the Individualized consideration of their follower’s needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the follower, and listens to the follower’s concerns.
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