Student Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Development of 21st Century Competencies in Jordan
The purpose of the study was to examine Jordanian student teachers’ perceptions of whether their Teacher Education had prepared them for 21st-century competencies, and how well they applied these competencies to their classroom teaching. The study also identified best practices, major obstacles, and suggestions for achieving these competencies. The study was conducted in two universities in the South and three universities in the North of Jordan that offer teacher education programs. A mixed-methods approach was used for this study. The sample consisted of 457 Student teachers who completed a structured questionnaire with open-ended questions to assess 21st-century competencies. Quantitative data analysis relies on descriptive statistics and correlations, while qualitative data analysis relies on content analysis. Despite differences in competency, the student teachers achieved 21st-century competencies based on their self-assessment. Students’ perceptions of whether they succeed in implementing 21st-century competencies in their classrooms were documented in this study. The best-achieved competency was collaboration, and the least well-achieved competency was global connections. Answers to open-ended questions provided convincing evidence that courses involving collaborative and interactive learning, high quality, sufficient support, relevant 21st-century competencies, and integrating theory and practice can contribute significantly to the development of student teachers’ 21st-century competencies.
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