Electoral Democracy, Security Concerns and Street Litigations in Nigeria
Electoral contests are considered to have both conventional and unconventional elements. As a matter of fact, disputes are regarded as an inherent part of elections and litigation is a common feature of most electoral processes. Nigeria is not an exception to this observable trend as elections are coterminous with brinkmanship and legal fireworks. However, street litigation- a form of trial by public opinion whereby people revel in passing judgments on political cases outside the four walls of the courtroom- is an emerging practice in the country. Thus, it presents an interesting research scenario in post-election security and litigation. This paper interrogates election security issues in Nigeria particularly as they relate to people’s grievances and concerns. It also examines the periodic electoral violence and its effects on electioneering with special focus on the combustible nature of street litigation in the country.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12329
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