Diagnosis on Maritime Security and Development in Africa
This research paper will endeavour to investigate the pertinent reasons why Africa’s massive marine environments have not engendered growth and development in the continent. Having heavily relied on secondary source of data, it will examine how dysfunctional maritime security contributes to the chronic illegalities across the coastal boarders of Africa and further deepen the lop-sided developmental progression in the continent. It will, however, explore the benefits of policies from African governments to engineer the emergence of a blue economy through effective and efficient maritime security and how seas and coastal regions can be instrumental to development in Africa. It will conclude that effective and efficient maritime security is a necessary pre-requisite for development of the continent. Apart from also concluding that the emergence of development through blue economy cannot be realized owing the security threats that pervade on the African marine surroundings, it will therefore proffer some policy recommendations to improve the maritime security to enhance the growth and development of African continent.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11478
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