Research on Non-profit Organizations’ Participation in the Antipoverty Problem in Argentina
The continuity, concealment and complexity of poverty in Argentina increased the difficulty of poverty governance, and the defects of the government and market in the process of dealing with the poverty also set obstacles for the governance of the poverty. In order to make up for the shortage of the government and the market, non-profit organizations with a profound philanthropic cultural tradition participated in the anti-poverty process in Argentina and played a positive role in promoting public services, providing employment assistance, offering technical assistance, developing agricultural markets and rights relief. In this process, the non-profit organizations have established cooperative relationships with public and private organizations respectively, and strengthened interactions with volunteers and the underprivileged group. In the process of fighting against poverty in Argentina, non-profit organizations have demonstrated the characteristics of grassroots and mediation, and played the role of participants in the poverty reduction program of the government, social resource mobilizers and interest coordinators. The experience of non-profit organizations in Argentina in anti-poverty is worthy of attention and reference, but the restriction of resources and government authority limits the role of non-profit organizations, and the disadvantages of non-profit organizations themselves also cause some negative effects.
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