Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Volunteer Teachers Training in Non-Profit Organizations: Taking Angel Education as an Example
As the basic unit of composing society, the position and role of education cannot be ignored. With the development of social welfare and growing awareness for basic education, the volunteer teaching is becoming a great mass fervor in China. Many specialized non-profit organizations establish, numerous teaching programs undergo, and countless volunteers throw themselves in rural areas. The devotion of both non-profit organizations and volunteers will have great and far-reaching significance in public welfare. However, as this career is in full swing, problems also shadows. Due to the late start of volunteer teaching service in our country, the research on training theory, practice and legal guarantee is relatively laggard. Although everyone is equipped with enthusiasm for making contribution, their actual performance and teaching achievements are by no means satisfactory. An indispensable reason behind in most non-profit organizations is that training on voluntary teachers is relatively weak at different level, which may be the pivotal intermediate that influences the service result directly. After the research and analysis on a non-profit organization, the writer has found the training in the non-profit organization insufficient in training needs, forms, instructors, contents, evaluations and leadership. Therefore, the obstructive factors influencing the effectiveness of the training should be modified, to improve the service ability of non-profit
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/10386
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