State Prosecutor’s Authorizations Related to Criminal Report-Kosovo Context
State prosecutor in the Republic of Kosovo is a state authority which in criminal proceedings is competent to conduct investigations, file indictments, gather evidence, filing regular and extraordinary legal remedies. The legislator has granted authorizations to the state prosecutor even in pre-trial procedure especially when it comes to situation to decide concerning criminal report filed by police or other authorized subjects. Decision-making of state prosecutor concerning criminal report may be addressed in four directions: dismissal of criminal report, request for additional information, conduct investigation and direct indictment. What kind of decision shall be made it depends from the concrete case and circumstances characterizing it as well as by assessment of criteria fulfillment which is stipulated by law for each form of decision-making. Regarding this matter, in this scientific paper shall be indicated the practical activity of three of the seven Basic Prosecutions operating in Kosovo for a period of time of three years. During the preparation of this article I have used the legal, comparative, statistical and analytical methods.
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