The Youth: Values and Attitudes: A Survey Administered on Students at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University
This survey aims at unveiling the values and attitudes of a sample of Al-Hussein Bin Talal University’s students. This goal is pursued by identifying the student’s personal and social values trends and attitudes vis a vis a number of women related issues, as well as the political and intellectual streams in the Jordanian society.
In pursuit of these goals, an analytical descriptive methodology was adopted for the study. To that end, a random sample of male and female students was selected; amounting to (2105) students from different faculties and years of study. A number of key outcomes were concluded from the study; primarily: the personal and social values trends of respondents on a macro-level revealed a low rate, with an arithmetic mean of 1.6.
On the other hand, attitudes vis a vis women-related issues have recorded a medium rate at an arithmetic mean of 2.37. The study has also indicated some statistically significant gender-based differences in terms of personal and social values trends as well as women related issues in the Jordanian society. The difference came in favor of female students. Some sections of the study have also shown a gender-based imbalance in favor of male students pertaining to the latter’s superiority in business administration, and the importance of higher education for males as opposed to females. These attitudes in their entirety to reflect a stereotypical perception of typical gender roles.
On the other hand, upon examining the political and intellectual attitudes of respondents; over half of the respondents 54% demonstrated allegiance and sense of belonging to their homeland in Jordan; while 42% of respondents demonstrated a moderate interest in politics. Furthermore, 53% of responses indicated that the most significant challenge Jordan is currently encountering is financial and administrative corruption.
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