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Sarpong, J. Aboraa, Department of Mathematics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana)
Sattar, Abdus (United States)
Seifriz, Florian, Institute of Training Science and Sport Informatics, German Sport University Cologne, Carl-Diem-Weg 6, 50933 Cologne, Germany. The German Research Centre of Elite Sport. (Germany)
Seifriz, Florian
Sengupta, T. K.
Shahmohamadi, Hamed, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
Shahmohamadi, Hamed
Shahzad, Mohammad (Oman)
Shangodoyin, D. K., Department of Statistics, University of Botswana (Botswana)
Sharma, Yogesh, Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur (India)
SHI, Ping, School of Economics and Management, Northwest University (China)
Shittu, Olanrewaju I., Department of Statistics, University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
Singh, P.
Sinha, Sanjoy K. (Canada)
SONG, Kaifu, East Lake High School, Yichang (China)
Sulaiman, J., School of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sabah (Malaysia)
SUN, Hongguo (China)
SUN, Hongguo, Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, 417000, China (China)
Sun, Hongguo
SUN, X. Y., Department of mathematics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. (China)

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