Effect of Social Skill Instruction Techniques on Self-Esteem Among Junior Secondary School Students in Anambra State, Nigeria
Students’ learning outcomes and performance are dependent on many factors from teacher-factors, method of instruction and environmental and management factors and most importantly learner-factors. Many students given their background have challenges interacting and experiencing themselves socially with unpalatable learning outcomes. In view of this problem, the current study explored the effects of social skill instruction technique on self-esteem among junior secondary school students in Anambra State. In the method section, non-randomized control group, pre-test, post-test quasi experimental design was adopted with Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) as statistical tool. Index of Self-Esteem (ISE) was used as instrument for data collection. Six co-education schools in Anambra State were sampled using multi-stage sampling technique to select 57 junior secondary II students with experimental group (14 males and 17 females) while control group was 27 (8 males and 18 females). After the treatment using social skill training technique (SST), the result indicated that using SST, the self-esteem of students was enhanced than the conventional. Gender was significant factor on the effect of SST on students’ self-esteem. Thus, from the result, learn associated social skills can be improved in favour of better academic achievement. It is hence, recommended that, social skill training should be formally adopted for boosting students’ social skill competence.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12308
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