Alternative Concepts in the Teaching of Photosynthesis: A Literature Review 2000-2021
The acquisition of abstract concepts in science education is a major challenge as acquisition of accurate scientific knowledge depends on a complexity of processes, including teachers’ capability to adopt a generative co-inquiry stance. In a previous article in Higher Education of Social Science we proposed a ‘good enough’ practice approach to this ‘problem’: an iterative pedagogical cycle of 3Rs: Recognition, Reduction and Removal within an understanding that affordances for conceptual conflict are often necessary and can increase the probability of reduction and possible removal of alternative concepts (details with Editor). We advance processes of deep meaning making and (re)construction that support affordances for productive pedagogies beyond deficit discourses of didactic failure or seeking some form of elusive perfection. In this article, we continue this reasoning to conduct a literature review of alternative concepts, often referred to as misconceptions in the teaching of photosynthesis inclusive of primary education, secondary (high school) education and higher education within the timeline 2000 to 2021. Photosynthesis was chosen as it is a prevalent biology topic that students and teachers often find conceptually challenging. Findings indicate approaching the problem of acquisition of accurate scientific knowledge in the teaching of photosynthesis requires a multiplicity of pedagogical strategies and a rich variety of professional supports. A productive engagement with alternative concepts is already underway in the literature, seeking a co-inquiry stance within an understanding of the crucial role of teacher upskilling in subject matter knowledge in science education (Bevins & Price, 2016; Greca, 2016; Karakaya, Yilmaz & Aka, 2021; Windschitl, 2002). It is a hypothesis worthy of further consideration and research.
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