Women Trafficking, a Humanitarian Cancer in Edo State: A Profiling Survey of Factors from Non-Governmental Perspective
The Palermo Protocol established human trafficking (including women trafficking) as a global humanitarian crisis, as well, proposed the scope of intervention to include collaborative non-governmental networks. In Nigeria context, activities of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in one of the Nigerian hotbed states of women trafficking, Edo State, are more pronounced especially in the area of reintegration and rehabilitation. Despite these interventions, activities of women traffickers have not been significantly curtailed, in view of this, it was assumed that relevant NGOs in the state might be treating symptoms instead of causes of the scourge. An exploratory descriptive study was conducted to re-profile factors enhancing the hydra-headedness of the menace in the state. Data were collected from 129 field operators of relevant anti-women trafficking NGOs selected from the capital city of the state, Benin City. Factors identified as drivers of women trafficking in the state include but not limited to poverty, weak institutions, easy access to internet, globalisation, and greediness of victim’s family. In the end, it suffices that finding lasting solution is more to addressing the women exploitation in state, it goes beyond reintegrating and rehabilitating victim of women trafficking. Government at all level should redesign their approach to favour social and economic policies as the key instruments of state intervention against women trafficking.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12266
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