Opportunities, Risks and Countermeasures of China`s Investment in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is a strategic hub connecting South Asia, Central Asia and West Asia. The United States, Russia, India and other power countries are extremely concerned with Afghanistan. Although the United States will gradually withdraw, it will retain military bases in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is currently in a critical period of transition from war to peace. To deal with the chaos in Afghanistan in the era of withdrawal, China needs to layout in Afghanistan early. This can not only promote the stability of China’s western region, but also help China and Central and Western Asian countries to promote cooperation under the framework of The Belt and Road Initiatives. The key to layout in Afghanistan is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has achieved remarkable results in Pakistan. China Investment and construction experiences in Pakistan will bring better economic benefits to Afghanistan and china.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12174
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