The Capacity of Adolescent- Friendly Reproductive Health Services to Promote Sexual Reproductive Health among Adolescents in Bindura Urban of Zimbabwe
Adolescent Reproductive Health Services (ARHS) in promoting Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Bindura Urban of Zimbabwe. Qualitative methodology was employed to understand the utilisation of AFRHS. Health service utilisation was assessed through key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observations and documentary search. The data collection methods used allowed the researcher to get insight on adolescents’ experience and the factors associated with their accessing SRH services from AFRHS; the meaning of AFRHS for adolescents; health care providers’ attitudes towards adolescents seeking SRH services; and community perceptions and readiness to accept AFRHS. The findings showed that both socio-cultural and health facility factors influence utilisation of SRH services. Many of these factors stem from the moral framework encapsulated in socio-cultural norms and values related to the sexual health of adolescents, and health care providers’ poor value clarification. This study provides an empirical understanding of the reasons and factors associated with SRH service utilisation, which goes much deeper than program provision of AFRHS in Zimbabwe.
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