Perceived Strategies for Financing Maintenance Cost of Physical Facilities in Secondary Schools, Imo State, Nigeria
This paper seeks to find out the strategies for financing maintenance cost of physical facilities in secondary schools in Imo state, Nigeria. Three research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was adopted. The population consisted of 475 principals in Imo state secondary schools in Nigeria. An instrument named Financing Maintenance Cost of Facilities Questionnaire (FMCFQ) was developed by the researcher. The FMCFQ was validated and its reliability coefficient was computed to be 0.85. Mean and standard deviations were used to analyze the research questions while t-test statistics was employed in testing the two hypotheses, Results show that principals accepted nine strategies out of fourteen for financing maintenance cost of facilities in secondary schools. While it is revealed that there is no significant difference between the perceptions of experienced and less experienced principals as well as those in urban and rural areas on the strategies for financing maintenance cost of facilities in secondary schools in Imo State. Some recommendations were made like the principals of schools should take it as a duty to maintain the school facilities with the help of ministry of education and the government for effective sustainability of nation development.
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