Mobile Phone Addiction and Career Preparation in College Students
To explore the status and relationship of college students' mobile phone addiction(MPA) and career preparation, 337 Chinese college students were surveyed on mobile phone usage, mobile phone addiction and career preparation through the Internet. The results showed that all college students used mobile phones, 9.76% of them used two mobile phones and the rest used one mobile phone; 10% of college students spent 100 RMB or more per month on mobile phones, 63.31% of them spent 30-100 RMB, 26.63% of them spent 30 RMB or less; 51.48% of college students used mobile phones for more than 5 hours per day, 83.72% of them used it for more than 3 hours per day; 90% of college students used mobile phones before bed and during rest, 67.75% of them used it as soon as they woke up in the morning, 65.38% of them used it when toilets, 64.5% of them used it when eating, 52.66% of them used it when walking. The top five uses of mobile phones for college students from high to low were Wechat, Payment, Shopping, Information Access and Weibo. 36.77%% of college students have serious mobile phone addiction and that girls were significantly higher than boys in MPA and out of control of its sub-dimension. The career preparation and its dimensions of college students were at a medium level. There is a significant negative correlation between college students' MPA and employment preparation. So mobile phone addiction has a certain degree of adverse impact on the career preparation of college students.
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