Flight, Anorexia and Madness Coexistence of Body and Spirit
The Canadian writer Margaret Atwood has created various impressive women characters in her fictions. Facing the awkward situation, their bodies usually react first: flight, anorexia and madness, which present not only their abnormal state of body or physics, but also express their unvoiced desire, thoughts and spirit. Through the abnormality or even morbidity of the body, these females show great intensity of desires to rebel against phallocentrism, remove the fetter of men, acquire the right of freedom and liberty and achieve true equality with men in social, political, cultural and economical respects. These appeals fit amazingly the situation of Canadian literature, in which Canadian woman writers and man writers are equally successful and influential, and reflect the belief of Atwood that contemporary women are capable of compete with men in all the fields in the near future through their persistent struggling as well.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11212
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