The Role of Regional Economic and Political Groups in the Globalization Process: A Case Study of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (1982-2002)

Azalahu F. Akwara, Gerald E. Ezirim, Joseph E. Udaw, Ngozi F. Akwara


A regional integration by its very nature integrates its members into an economic union and acts as a bloc on matters affecting its members vis-a-vis other regional blocs and non members. Its hegemonic nature of hedging its members against all forms of exploitation and intimidation by other regional blocs and non-members and its desire to stem the tide of trade diversion, and to create and foster intra-union flow of trade, factors and investment at the exclusion of non-members and other regional blocs run contradictory to the aims and objectives of the globalization process which is the integration of the world economy through the breaking down of trade and investment barriers worldwide. Given these contradictory objectives of the regional blocs and the globalization process, this study examines the roles of the ECOWAS as an agent in the globalization process in the West African sub-region, its constraints, and solutions to the problems.


Regional; Integration; Globalization; Blocs; Security; Trade

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