Development of an Item Bank of Order and Graph by Applying Multidimensional Item Response Theory
This study aimed to develop an item bank of Order and Graph of Mattayomsuksa 1 level (grade 7). The samples were 4,800 lower secondary students from 34 schools in northeastern area of Thailand, academic year 2011 chosen through multi-stage random sampling. The research tool used in the study was a multiple choicetest of an Order and Graph lesson by applying multidimensional item response theory. Parameter were analyzed by confi rmatory factor analysis by applying multidimensional normalogive model with guessing of the program normalogive harmonic analysis robust method (NOHARM). Discrimination power and Easiness intercept were equated through non–orthogonal procrustes method. The study results indicated that there were 59 items out of 140 passed the test standard.
Key words: Item bank; Cognitive process; Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT)
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