The Influence of Social Support on College Students’ Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Effect Based on Positive Mental Quality
Taking the college students of some universities in Guangdong province as the subjects, this paper investigated the influence of social support and positive mental quality on subjective well-being. The research data shows that the degree of subjective support and the extent of using the support directly influence college students’ subjective well-being, and indirectly affect their well-being through the influence of interpersonal relationship and behavior style, and that positive mental quality plays an intermediary role in the influence of social support on well-being. Therefore, we can guarantee that the subjective support through the establishment of multi-care support mechanism can cultivate the positive mental quality to enhance happiness perception, create a good supportive atmosphere to improve the use of social support, multi-angle and all-round improve the subjective well-being of college students.
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