International Communication of Tai Chi Culture: Challenges and Opportunities
As China’s economic strength and political influence have been greatly increased during the past decades, Tai Chi culture, which has been long viewed as one of the very essential parts of traditional Chinese culture, is being given a golden opportunity to step into the world. Tai Chi contains a variety of values that are quite beneficial for people all over the world to live a peaceful and healthy life. Actually it represents a life attitude that stresses the harmony between man and nature, which is obviously significant in the contemporary society. Today with the intensification of globalization, Tai Chi culture cannot and also should not be restricted only to Chinese people. Instead, it should belong to the whole world. However, the international communication of Tai Chi culture meets both challenges and opportunities. Some myriad stereotypes, misperceptions, and distortions about China may hinder the cultural spreading. The conflict and competition between Tai Chi and other cultures are another problem. In addition, lack of theoretical study of international communication systems should be taken into serious consideration. On the other hand, the culture communication is faced with a favorable internal and external political and economic environment. Besides, practical demands in strained life of contemporary society also call for the wide spreading of Tai Chi culture. In short, joint efforts should be made to overcome the challenges and make full use of the opportunities so as to promote the worldwide spreading of Tai Chi culture.
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