Nigeria and the Burden of Corruption
Corruption is a major problem confronting the world. Nigeria, in particular, has a serious problem of corruption. It is very widespread and it manifests itself in virtually all aspects of national life. Practically every government since the 1960s came into power with a promise to address corruption. The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari is not an exception, and it is demonstrating huge commitment to waging a war against this menace. Anchoring on the institutional, public choice and cultural theories, and drawing data from secondary sources, this study examines the problem of corruption in Nigeria and the anti-corruption campaign of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. The study argues that the fight against corruption is negatively affecting the image of the country in the international community. It concludes that the fight against corruption is a very daunting task which will require maximum cooperation from all segments of the Nigerian society.
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