Ifa Mythology on Human Variations and Global African Identity and Global Contact
The idea of genetic variation as typified in Malthus and Mendel cannot be divorced from the problem in human evolution and historical development. This idea, to say the least inspired Nazism, racism and separatism: an argument that human variation can be epitomized in the categorisation of people into superior-inferior categories and that superior people have a right to dominate the supposedly inferior and in fact, eliminates them. This in Nazis’ school of thought is the only way society can experience progress. This is what engenders cultural hegemony and global competition reinforcing slavery, genocide, holocaust and all forms of inhumanity to humanity. The argument of this study therefore, is predicated on Ifa as a template for understanding the global African identity. In this study it is argued that other than western oriented and seemingly scientific explanation, Ifa oral corpus has a number of mythological explanations for human variation and global contact.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/8801
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