Research on the Reform of Elderly Care and Education Model under Digitalization: A Case Study of Taizhou City

Yaping DING


Under the dual background of aging and digitalization, the needs of the elderly have gradually shifted from being singular to diverse and from basic to advanced. The urgency of bridging the digital divide among the elderly and promoting the coordinated development of aging-related initiatives with socio-economic progress has become increasingly prominent. Currently, elderly education faces issues such as inadequate resource supply, incomplete institutional mechanisms, insufficient funding for running schools, and uneven development. Taizhou has innovatively explored a practice model that integrates digital empowerment into elderly care and education, placing the elderly at the center and using digital means. By involving multiple stakeholders and fully integrating educational and elderly care resources, this model ensures the elderly’s right to integrate into an information-based society, enabling them to enjoy smart living and enhancing their quality of life and life value. This provides practical references for addressing population aging proactively.


Elderly education; Integration of care and education; Digital empowerment

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