On the Construction of China's International Discourse under the Background of High quality Development of the Belt and Road: Taking the Dissemination of Chinese red Literature in Vietnam as an Example

Qinhan ZENG, Rong ZENG


The investigation of the dissemination of Chinese red literature in Vietnam in the context of high-quality development of the Belt and Road is not only an objective need to spread the core values and cultural essence of the CPC, but also an essential part of promoting cultural integration between China and countries along the Belt and Road. The current research on the dissemination of the Belt and Road and Chinese red literature in Vietnam not only requires a systematic interpretation and in-depth elaboration of the Belt and Road initiative from the theoretical level, but also promotes the dissemination of Chinese red literature in Vietnam from the practical level. Its purpose is to create a red culture with the core values and spiritual essence of the CPC, promote regional cultural exchanges, regional political mutual trust, and regional civilization mutual learning between China and countries along the Belt and Road, so as to strengthen international communication capacity building, comprehensively improve international communication efficiency, and achieve the great development and prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.


International Discourse; Chinese Red Literature; The Belt and Road; Vietnam

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/13397


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