The Institution of the Tax on Great Fortunes and the Taxation of Profits and Dividends: Vectors of Tax Progressivity in Brazil

Sabrina Frigotto, Levi Hülse, Anderson Antônio Mattos Martins


This research aims to analyze two tax strategies, potentially capable of contributing to the principle of progressivity and contributory capacity. Middle-class citizens in Brazil must bear a high-income tax burden, while profits and dividends are not taxed and there is still no tax on large fortunes. Therefore, the research has academic relevance in addressing the reasons why there is no tax on large fortunes and the technical parameters necessary for this to become a reality. Furthermore, taxation is the means by which the individual provides revenue to the State, as well as a matter of interest to all taxpayers and the community. The study will be carried out using a deductive approach, with a qualitative nature and exploratory bibliographical research. This study will seek different alternatives and mechanisms to Income Tax, aiming to achieve a balance that benefits both the taxpayer and the State.


Income tax; Tax on large fortunes; Profits and dividends

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