Tumpangsari as Agroforestry Practices in Gunung Arjuna-Lalijiwo Forest Reserve, East Java, Indonesia
Agroforestry is a land that uses a management system in which trees are mixed in the same land with food crops or pasture for domestic animals. The interactions were reflected in community-based activities by utilizing forest land to cultivate crops using tumpangsari agroforestry system. The study was conducted at the Karangploso sub-district in Tawangargo, Donowarih and Ngenep villages in Universitas Brawijaya Forest (UBF) forest reserves. The objectives of this study are to examine factors contributing to the total area of cultivated land from tumpangsari agroforestry and to assess the impact caused by the transition of the forest management system on the socioeconomic in terms of income. Data was gathered through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and site observation. This study applied the dominant quantitative approach and less dominant qualitative as well as convenience sampling technique. Descriptive and multiple linear regression analyses have been used to analyze socio-economic factors contributing to the total area of cultivated land. The study revealed that the income of tumpangsari farmers at UBF have increased after five years of transition, from IDR1M - 2M to IDR 2M - 3M monthly. The highest income are from respondent who cultivated coffee, vegetables and other crops range between IDR 3M - IDR 4M or 10.1% of the total respondents and 1.7% earned more than IDR 4M monthly. In addition, 82.29% of farmers strongly agreed that UBF management play an important role in helping farmers in tumpangsari agroforestry practices to increased their family income.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12968
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