The Challenges of Public e-Procurement Practices in Sub-Saharan Africa in Relation to Public Service Delivery
This paper identified and analysed the challenges facing public e-procurement practices in sub-Saharan Africa in relation to service delivery. It engaged a cross-sectional research design. It used cross-country data. This is an attempt to provide comparable data on challenges of public procurement practices from sub-Saharan Africa in relation to service delivery. Thus, the design encouraged the verifiability of situations in countries and ensures comparability. Data used are based on the hypothetical case studies provided in the literature provided on sub-Saharan African countries. The paper identified obsolete administrative cultures which have underscored bureaucracies as a traditional problem. However, there continue to be insufficiently skilled professionals and inadequate strategic treatment of procurement transactions. Arguably, the challenges facing sub-Saharan African countries in the area of public e-procurement in relation to service delivery are multidimensional with deep corrupt neurosis.
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