The Effectiveness of Using Thelen’s Model on Acquiring Physical Concepts and Developing Scientific Thinking for Tenth-Grade Students in Jordan
The current research aims to know the effect of teaching using Thelen’s Model on acquiring physical concepts and developing scientific thinking among tenth-grade students in Jordan. The researcher used the quasi-experimental method. The sample consisted of 55 female students in the tenth grade for the academic year 2021-2022 from Mutah Secondary School for Girls. The researcher prepared a test for physical concepts and built a test for developing scientific thinking. Their validity and reliability were verified. SPSS software was used to analyze the data statistically. The results showed that the students of the experimental group who studied according to Thelen’s Model outperformed the control group who studied in the usual way in the test of acquiring physical concepts, and in the test of developing scientific thinking with a statistically significant difference. In light of the results, the researcher recommended the necessity of using Thelen’s Model in teaching physics because of its effective impact in acquiring concepts related to this subject and in developing scientific thinking.
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