Igwebuike: Oboro Development Union and Community Development in Southeastern Nigeria
Town unions are associations formed by a group of persons from the same area and can also be seen as an agency of community through which innovations and development purposes are achieved. Society and cultures are dynamic therefore, social institutions grow with the society. The organization has continued to grow with the Igbo society and has acquired new names like central unions, group unions, progressive association, development union and town Union. Thus, in developing Igbo society the Town Union has assumed the status of civil society organization with improved administrative structures. Apart from undertaking several developmental and infrastructural projects, it has continued to serve as the organ for local administration in Igbo land. The study used historical research method. Secondary and tertiary sources such as archival materials, journals, published and unpublished texts, were used as means of data collection for the historical construction of the study.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12369
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