The Level of Psychological Burnout among Kindergarten Teachers in Hebron Governorate
This study aimed to reveal the level of psychological burnout among kindergarten teachers in Hebron governorate from their point of view, and the effect of each of the variables: kindergarten type (governmental and private), educational qualification, and economic level, on the level of psychological burnout levels among kindergarten teachers. The study population consists of all public and private kindergarten teachers in the Hebron governorate, and their number is (100) teachers. The Maslach scale of psychological burnout.
The results of the study demonstrated that kindergarten teachers suffer from psychological burnout to a large extent, and there are no statistically significant differences attributed to the scientific qualification variable. The research has showed that there are statistically significant
Differences attributed to the kindergarten type variable (governmental, private). The level of psychological burnout was higher in favor of private kindergarten teachers, while the results showed that there were statistically significant differences due to the variable of the economic level and in favor of the female teachers whose economic level was low and whose psychological burnout was higher.
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